Asher, 0-3 Months Old

Asher Michael Harris was born November 24, 2006, 5 days past my due date... weighing in at 8 lbs, 6 oz (my biggest baby) and 20" long

Holding my brand new baby boy!

Cleaning him off... he's not a happy boy!

Brother and sister

2 brothers!

Asher, less than a day old

Our new family of 5!

Asher at 2.5 weeks old

Asher smiling at only 1.5 months!

Look at that strong neck! 1.5 months old here

Brett and Asher. He's 2 months old here

Krysta and Asher

Awww, they love their new brother!

He loves his tongue!

He's so cute!