Mommy Pregnant
This is the ultrasound I had at 8 weeks and 3 days. That's my little baby boy!!!

This is the ultrasound I had at 28 weeks. He sure got big in the past 20 weeks!
Here we are at mommy's baby shower!

Here is one of the gifts mommy received

And here is dad wearing it!

Here is the cake! It sure looks good!

And here is the only picture I can find of myself pregnant! I am 7 months pregnant in this picture.

It's A Brett!

This is the story about a little boy name Brett Bradley Harris. He was born on May 25, 2001, at 9:24 pm. He weighed in at an incredible 8 pounds, 1 ounce. He was 20 inches long.
One morning at 7:30 am Kim (mom) woke up with some contractions and told Travis (dad) that she KNEW she was going into labor. If only we had a picture to see the look on dad's face!

Here is a picture before mom had her little baby boy. Mmm... blue raspberry popsicle!
When mom went in to get checked, the told her she was 100% effaced, and 4 to 5 centimeter dialated. They said, "she's a keeper!" and mom and dad were so excited the big day was finally there. It started out pretty easy. From 8:00 am (when mom got checked) to 11:00 am, mom was 9 centimeters dialated! But at 3:00, she was still only at 9... :o( It turns out that his head was turned and he kinda got stuck in there. They told mom she had to have an epidural... which she really didn't want. Anywho...

This is my epidural. Not very attractive, is it? Very surprisingly... it didn't hurt.
At 6:00 pm mom was finally dialated to 10 centimeters (finally)! But mom had a fever and needed to be started on antibiotics before she could start pushing. At 7:00 pm it was finally time to start pushing! Mom was pretty nervous. They turned off the epidural so that it would be easier to push and said they would turn it back on if they needed to. But during the pushing, mom knocked her IV out so the option of the epidural was no longer. After 2 and 1/2 hours of pushing...

mom finally had her little baby!

Dad got a chance to hold him right after mom did.